10 Actionable Tips to Promote your Blog using Social Media Branding


Number of blogs is increasing at a rapid rate. A large number of blogs start every day and a large portion of them fail to achieve the desired success. It is here that we should realize that the need for effective branding strategies is increasing. There is a strong relation between blogging and Social Media branding.

Social Media branding not only brings in opportunities to stand out amongst other bloggers of your niche but also offers you the prospect of reaching out to a better-targeted audience. Further, Social Media branding also provides an opportunity to illustrate to your readers what you are about and why they need to pay attention to your blog. In short, Social Media branding stands out amongst others slew of techniques that bloggers employ for promoting their blog.

Social Media Branding for Blogs: An Overview

The biggest advantage of Social Media branding is that it does not require a genuine call for financial investment. It is a fact that monetary reasons have always been an impending factor for starting a blog and even startup. And in such a situation, a free promotion strategy for the blog is the best deal that any such blogger can get. The Social Media marketing does not require financial concerns and investments. The only investment required is the investment of time and not the money.

Though you can always hire Social Media marketing firms for your business. But that would only be worth considering if you have good amount of money from funding for expenditure on such campaigns. Whether you do it yourself or hire someone (by spending some money); you’ll find that the Social Media influence on your blog will be worthwhile the expenditure of your money or time (as the case may be).

10 Blogger Tips for Social Media branding

  1. Social Media branding is a gradual process and it does take time for evolving a brand image. It is important to know how you would like to be perceived by folks on social communities. Set clear goals for attaining Social Media branding of your blog. Or else the Social Media thing will only get you a part of the success you desired.
  2. Once you have decided your niche and are comfortable with a social networking community, you should begin writing materials that will strengthen your brand image. It is this time that you should take into consideration your Social Media audience and you should make it a point that you tailor your articles to the interest of the community.
  3. Instead of wasting your time on large number of social networking sites. You must spend calculated amount of your time on selected social networking communities. It, however, does not mean that you spread yourself too thin. Spreading yourself too thin on social networking websites is a sure fire way to failure.
  4. It is important that you remain active on social networking websites that you will use for marketing your blog. In this way, you will learn more about your target audience and their exclusive interests.
  5. Try to make connections with people within your niche. It is a well-known fact that there is a tremendous possibility of gaining exposure from other popular blogs of your niche. By connecting with play-makers of your niche, you can gain much-needed attention to your own blog.
  6. Do not risk your brand image for generating traffic. It is possible that you may strike an idea that would generate a lot of traffic for your blog. But it does not fit into your Social Media image. So instead of choosing a short term benefit (of gaining traffic and generating revenue quickly), you should focus on your long-term goals.
  7. Gaining inspiration and writing is not a crime. This, however, does not mean that you copy and paste from other blogs. Instead, get inspired on the subject that fits your Social Media image. Then go deep into it to bring up a more valuable content for your readers.
  8. Recommending other bloggers is a nice way to receive back the recommendations from them. It does not mean that you just give them a link. Recommendation here means that a fellow blogger recommends your writings to its readers. Getting recommended by many bloggers will surely bring in much-needed people’s attention to your blog.
  9. Keep track of what people are talking about you. While it does make you feel good, but it also helps you in maintaining your brand image. Keep an eye on your social media reputation so as to be aware of any alarming things that may harm your Social Media image or blog.
  10. Keep up with recent news in your niche. Have an eye on what people are talking about your industry on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other such social networking communities.

It is important to develop a strong connection with your readers. It is because blogging is a two-way process – one writes and others read and provide feedback. Creating a Social Media branding helps your readers to understand your goals and objectives. That you would like to accomplish through your blog. This further helps you bring loyal readers for your blog and provides listeners to your blog posts. As long as you can get your voice heard by appreciable number of visitors and you are able to maintain your Social Media image. You are sure to get Social Media success as a blogger. Learn more about building a startup and funding here.

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